Saturday, January 26, 2019

D and D

In the video that we watched in class it explained how a kids parents though he went missing because of what they thought the game dungeons and dragons has you do. They had went down into the pipes because that's where they thought he would be at playing this game. after his death, this game made a big publicity in the world and everyone wanted to play. Two things that matched from the video and the reading is parents not wanting kids to play this scary because of the violence and more another connection was how far the kids would take it and hoe certain people get judged because of their personality's and how they were getting accused of suicides and more . A lot of the kids take this scary game seriously.


  1. I like you how said kids take this scary game seriously. In today's soceity i find people getting way to obessed into a video game and thinking its real life. Soemtimes people relate themselves to a video game and take things way to far.

  2. I like how you talked about how people were judged just for doing what they enjoy. Many kids were considered nerds just for playing a board game. Many people especially boys like games to be as realistic as possible so they try to imitate them and their actions which isn't always the best idea.

  3. I like how you mentioned that the game struck fear in the parents eyes. I also liked how you mentioned that some kids took the game far too serious, like many kids do with their video games today.
